* Dr. Seuss, “Oh, the Faces You’ll See” Yes, our name may be Hidden Treasures of Italy… and our specialty is indeed to help our friends and clients to maximize the quality of their holiday visits to all Italian destinations.…
“Barolo, Barbaresco, Barbera and Dolcetto… just four of the many reasons why Piemonte (OK, Piedmont!) is such a special region in Italy!”*
*Rick Ray, Hidden Treasures of Italy Yes, there are many great Italian wines… but these four Piemontese reds are especially appreciated by Hidden Treasures of Italy! Which only partially explains why we are so fond of this special region in…
“ O Romeo, Romeo… wherefore art thou Romeo? “*
The romantic city of Verona. Where there are more Roman monuments than anywhere else in northern Italy, from its vast Arena – the amphitheater which seated 25,000 and still hosts glorious opera each summer – to its ancient theater (Teatro…
“More from Puglia… the land of my birth!”*
* Mariella Ray, HIDDEN TREASURES OF ITALY My very first blog posting back in December, 2016, focused on Puglia (or Apulia, as it has been sometimes Anglicized!). But I have barely begun to scratch the surface of this southern region,…
“Just like the Caribbean… in the heart of Europe?”*
* Matthew Ray… on family holiday Flamingos This is an approximate, paraphrased exclamation uttered by the oldest of our four children many years ago, when he set foot for the very first time on the crystalline sandy beaches of…
Fast Cars…and Culture, too!
A different kind of blog post today. Not something typical for Hidden Treasures… but yes, we do sometimes help to organize special small group travel events. One such initiative is a specially tailored opportunity, organized this year for a small…
An Umbrian treasure on the road from Florence to Rome…
Yes, Florence and Rome are two of Italy’s classic tourist destinations, hardly “hidden treasures” themselves per se (as usual, “god is in the details!”)… but on the road between these two magical cities you will find one of Hidden Treasures’…

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you will go”(*)
(*) Dr. Seuss, “I Can Read With My Eyes Shut” Matera: The “Sassi” The more that you read… the more places to go! So how about consulting the New York Times? Sunday edition, January 14, 2018. Travel Section. There are…
My hometown, Milano!
I call Milano my hometown… even though I was born in Puglia, in Bari (a fascinating city that I will talk more about in a future blog entry!). And I couldn’t be more proud of my city! Milano… a classic…
“One can forgive a place three thousand miles from Italy for not being Italian.”*
Hello 2018! Mariella here. And welcome back to the Hidden Treasures of Italy blogging initiative. Yes, we at HTI took an unintentional “vacation” from our new blogging intentions in 2017… in effect, too many unexpected distractions throughout the year derailed…